Embracing Social Responsibility at Agronic

As part of our social responsibility, Agronic Food teamed up with Seva Mandir, an NGO from Udaipur, Rajasthan which operates chiefly in tribal areas to ensure the education of children between the ages of 6 to 14 years. In southern Rajasthan’s rural areas where Seva Mandir operates, half of the children do not attend school and a third have never had access to it. Seva Mandir enables them to demand better educational facilities from the Government.
Seva Mandir establishes Shiksha Kendra which are single classrooms, with one or two teachers depending on the strength of the classroom providing education for children up to the third grade. These schools are bridging schools where children who have never had exposure to educational institutions can pass out and directly apply for their secondary levels. They also have basic access to medical care and are accounted for in case of their absence which helps to circumvent the problem where students only go to school sporadically in rural areas. Seva Mandir follows an incredibly strategic process for opening up new Shiksha Kendra which includes going through surveys to assess the educational needs of a village, selection and training of the teacher, and distribution of stationery and other material.
Agronomic Food supports the organization’s operations financially and has been doing so for the last 3 years. We conduct regular visits to the classrooms to meet the students and inspect their development. Besides these activities, we also receive half-yearly audit reports by the Shiksha Kendras regarding how many students have passed out, attendance of students, and how many students are attending the classes at a given period of time. The current Shiksha Kendra has 55 kids enrolled and to date over 200 students have graduated from the Kendra supported by us, to be a part of the formal education system.
We take a keen interest in the development of the students and through the partnership with Seva Mandir, with an aim that the children become monetarily independent, self-reliant members of the urban society.
Our family has been involved for over three decades in various philanthropic activities like establishing a homeopathy dispensary, building water coolers, constructing dharamshalas (rest house for travelers), and more than 8 government schools in Pali District, Rajasthan. More than a lakh students have passed in these years with more students joining each year.
In the year 2019, we have initiated blood donation camps to be held twice a year and collected blood units are sent out to the military hospital in Jodhpur.
Agronic food is the bulk provider of Organic Spices, Organic Spice mixes, Organic Herbs, Organic Edible Oil, Organic Starch, etc.